Three Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation – Guided Yoga and Meditation Training

Three easy steps to deep relaxation

Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or just can’t seem to relax? Would you like to gain the same deep rest and the other benefits of taking a short holiday with just 20 minutes of relaxation meditation? Look no further because our guided yoga and meditation series, The 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation Guided Yoga and Meditation Series, can help you.

Of course, relaxation meditation doesn’t replace the need for a holiday. However, the more relaxed you are when you go on holiday the more you can enjoy it. Regular short bursts of relaxation on a daily basis decrease stored tensions and increase your relaxation bank account. You have more energy, can recuperate from stress faster, and can prevent the negative effects of stress, which can include serious chronic ill health.

Every time you practice one of our meditations, you are taking time out of a busy, stressful life to go within and restore your energy. It’s like taking a short holiday every day.

Our guided, progressive relaxation meditation techniques offer you a simple and effective solution to achieve deep relaxation in just three easy steps. They take you deeper and deeper into relaxation to de-stress, unwind, and achieve a sense of calm in your busy life.

What is deep relaxation?

Deep relaxation is a state of mind and body that is achieved when you are free from stress and tension. It’s a state of complete relaxation that allows you to let go of your worries and feel a sense of calm and tranquility. The state of relaxation is an altered state, an antidote to the constant energy-draining demands of our busy waking existence.

The benefits of deep relaxation are numerous and guide you in a systematic fashion to achieve these benefits in a simple and effective way.

As a result of moving through the three steps, you not only reduce stress, you also lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and gain deeper and more refreshing sleep. The three steps support good health, develop clarity of mind, and improve concentration and memory. They also improve your mood, increase your productivity, and enhance your overall well-being.

This guided yoga and meditation series is a simple and effective process.

The techniques included in our MP3 series can be practiced anytime, anywhere, allowing you to rest deeply, calm yourself, and replenish your energy. Over time, you will become a more relaxed and expressive person, improving your overall well-being and quality of life.

Other benefits

One of the most significant benefits of this series is that it’s especially valuable for students studying for exams, those who are short on sleep, trying to meet deadlines, and people recuperating from illness or surgery. It’s a powerful tool for anyone looking to de-stress and unwind, regardless of their circumstances.

Lastly, this series of yoga meditations is an excellent gift for those who have never meditated before but want a simple way to relax and recharge. It requires no prior meditation experience, making it perfect for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being.

Three Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation – Guided Yoga and Meditation Training

For even more complete training on how to relax and restore energy and vitality, purchase our Yoga and Meditation Course Relaxation Meditation – Relax, De-Stress, Recuperate.

For a limited time only, use the coupon code Relax 20 in the cart or checkout for a 20% discount on the course.

How the Three Easy Steps series works

The three Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation series consists of five tracks, an introductory lecture, three audio tracks that describe the three steps to achieve deep relaxation, and a short lying relaxation technique. The tracks are designed to be listened to in sequence, with each one building on the previous one to help you reach a state of complete relaxation.

By breaking the process of relaxation into small steps, you learn various important skills that enable you to relax in any situation. At the same time, each step takes you progressively deeper into relaxation, turning off the negative effects of stress, anxiety, and overthinking and soothing your body and mind.

Track one – Talk on Relaxation Meditation.

The first track, Talk on Relaxation, introduces the series and describes how relaxation is a simple skill that anyone can learn to turn on the relaxation response to create deep rest, vitality, health, calm, and true inner peace.

Once learned, it is the perfect antidote to the stresses and the endless demands of life that inhibit the body’s natural capacity to relax and lead to fatigue and exhaustion. Fatigue and exhaustion lead to illness.

Relaxation meditation is a process that enables you to achieve a state of deep relaxation and calmness by focusing on your breath or a specific object and letting go of any distracting thoughts or sensations.

During relaxation meditation, you may use techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization to help release tension in your body and calm your mind. The goal is to enter a state of deep relaxation, an altered state which can have numerous physical and mental health benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and promoting overall well-being.

Track two – Step 1 – Body Scanning.

The second track is Body Scanning. Body scanning meditation is a mindfulness technique that involves bringing awareness to different body parts and noticing any sensations, tensions, or discomfort that may be present. It is often used as a relaxation exercise to release physical tension and promote a sense of calm and well-being. It can also help you to become more mindful and present in your daily life as you become more attuned to your body and the sensations it is experiencing.

When you go about your daily life, you accumulate physical and mental tension without even realizing it. These tensions manifest in your body in the form of tight muscles, knots, and restricted movement. The problem is that if you don’t become aware of these tensions, they can become chronic and even cause physical pain.

One way to overcome this is to practice body scanning. Body scanning meditation can also be a helpful tool for reducing stress, anxiety, and physical discomfort.

Body scanning is a technique where you systematically focus your attention on different parts of your body. For example, you might start at the top of your head and move your awareness down to your toes. As you focus your attention on each area, you notice any sensations or tensions that you are holding. By doing so, you become more aware of your body, which allows you to identify and release any built-up tensions. For example, you may notice a tightness in your shoulders that you weren’t aware of before, and simply acknowledging it and focusing on that area enables you to release that tension to some degree.

It can be practiced on its own or as part of a larger mindfulness or meditation practice and can be adapted to fit your individual needs and preferences.

Track three – Step 2 – The Spontaneous Breath.

The second track, The Spontaneous Breath, is a technique that involves bringing attention and awareness to the breath as it flows in and out of the body. It is a form of mindfulness meditation that can help you cultivate a sense of calm and relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase your ability to focus and concentrate.

During breath awareness, you typically sit in a comfortable and upright position, either on a cushion or chair, with your eyes closed or slightly open. You then begin to bring your attention to the sensation of the breath as it enters and exits the body, noticing the rise and fall of the chest or belly, the sensation of the air passing through the nostrils, or any other physical sensations associated with the breath.

As thoughts, feelings, or distractions arise, you simply observe them without judgment or attachment and gently bring your attention back to the breath. This process of noticing and refocusing attention on the breath can also support you in letting go of distractions, remaining present in the moment, and, as a result, calming your thoughts and emotions,

Breath awareness meditation can be practiced for just a few minutes a day, or for longer periods of time, depending on your preferences and needs. It can be done on its own or as part of a larger mindfulness or meditation practice and can be adapted to fit the needs of each individual.

Track four – Step 3 – The Controlled Breath.

The third track, The Controlled Breath, is a guided yoga and meditation technique that takes you on a journey to a state of complete relaxation. This track is designed to help you let go of your worries, release tension from your body, and find a sense of peace and tranquility.

Controlled breath meditation is a technique in which you intentionally lengthen and regulate your breath to create a sense of calm and relaxation. This technique can be practiced in different ways, including counting the length of the breath or using a mantra.

Counting the length of the breath involves focusing on the inhalation and exhalation of the breath and counting the duration of each breath. For example, you may count to four as you inhale, hold your breath for a count of four, and then exhale for a count of four. This technique helps to slow down the breath and create a sense of relaxation.

Using a mantra involves repeating a word or phrase, either silently or out loud, as individuals inhale and exhale. You can use a simple word such as “peace” or “calm” or a phrase such as “I am relaxed and at ease.” However, the repetition of a mantra is superior to a word as it acts at a deeper level and supports deeper states of relaxation and meditation.

Controlled breath meditation powerfully reduces stress and anxiety and promotes relaxation and well-being. It can be practiced on its own or as part of a larger mindfulness or meditation practice.

Track five – Lying relaxation

A short lying relaxation meditation is included in the series. It is a special form of meditation in which you move your awareness from one part of your body to another in a specially designed sequence that induces complete relaxation of the whole physical body.

This technique involves lying down in a comfortable position, either on the floor or on a bed, and allowing the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate.

Relaxation meditations can be practiced in the lying position

It’s worth mentioning that the relaxation meditations included in The 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation Guided Yoga and Meditation Series can be practiced in the lying position. This makes it even more accessible and comfortable for anyone looking to achieve deep relaxation. However, it is a good idea to practice the techniques while lying and also when you are seated so that you are able to use it during your daily life.

The perfect solution

The 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation Guided Yoga and Meditation Series is the perfect solution for anyone looking to achieve deep relaxation in a simple and effective way. It’s perfect for those with busy schedules who can’t find the time to go to a spa or meditation class. It’s also great if you prefer to relax in the comfort of your own home or office.

Our MP3 series is also affordable, with a one-time purchase giving you access to the five audio tracks that you can listen to anytime, anywhere.

Additionally, relaxation meditation is backed by science. Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation and relaxation techniques can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep. The MP3s incorporate both of these techniques, making them a powerful tool for improving your overall well-being.

In conclusion, The 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation Guided Yoga and Meditation Series is a simple and effective solution for anyone looking to de-stress and unwind. It’s affordable, easy to use, and backed by science. So why wait? Try it today and start experiencing the benefits of deep relaxation.


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