Self-Awareness Mastery Through Meditation: Big Shakti’s Success Path

Self-Awareness Mastery Through Meditation Big Shakti’s Success Path (1)

Big Shakti offers a unique and comprehensive approach to fostering self-awareness and self-regulation, ultimately leading to self-mastery. This is achieved by creating a “success path,” a virtuous circle where each stage of self-development naturally leads to and supports the next, creating a sustainable, self-reinforcing journey of personal growth.

This success path is a sure way to navigate through the various forms of meditation to achieve a calm, strong, integrated mind and a foundation for higher spiritual attainment.

The Success Path: A Graduated, Systematic, Progressive Approach to Self-Awareness Mastery

Stage 1: Relaxation

The journey begins with relaxation techniques, a fundamental prerequisite for both health and self-development. A relaxed body and mind form the foundation for building more advanced practices. Techniques like 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation and Yoga Nidra help release accumulated stress and tension, preparing the practitioner for deeper states of awareness.

Techniques and Benefits:

  • 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation: Guided meditations that deconstruct relaxation into three easy steps, progressively leading you into deeper states of relaxation. You learn to recognize where you store tension and how to remove stress, storing relaxation instead. This builds feelings of vitality, strength, and well-being.

  • Yoga Nidra: Known as “yogic sleep,” this practice induces deep relaxation while you remain awake and aware. It systematically relaxes and recharges different parts of the body, leading to profound physical and mental rest. Yoga Nidra allows you to access subconscious patterns and release deep-seated stress.

These practices improve physical health, reduce stress-related ailments, and enhance mental clarity and emotional stability, setting the stage for further self-exploration.

Stage 2: Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation – Step 1: Foundations

As you master relaxation, your focus shifts to increasing self-awareness and self-regulation. Self-awareness, or mindful self-observation, involves observing your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. This understanding is key to improving emotional control and impulse management.

Techniques and Benefits:

  • Mindfulness Self-Observation: This technique, part of the Inner Silence training program, encourages nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment, helping you recognize and understand your habitual thought patterns and emotional reactions.

  • Awareness of Sensations: The Inner Silence training program also focuses on cultivating self-awareness while listening to sounds relevant to daily activities.

  • Body Scan Meditation: This is part of the 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation series. It involves systematically focusing on different parts of the body, enhancing the mind-body connection, and increasing awareness of physical sensations and their emotional counterparts.

Through these practices, you can better understand your internal states, which is crucial for effective self-regulation, which is the ability to manage your thoughts, feelings, behavior, and reactions. Increased self-awareness allows you to make more conscious, deliberate responses to life’s challenges rather than unconscious, impulsive reactions.

Stage 3: Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation – Step 2: Mastering Prana

With a stable foundation of relaxation and basic self-awareness, students are introduced to more advanced techniques to manage and master prāna, the vital life force central to many yoga and tantra practices. Techniques that control and direct prana enhance energy levels, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

Techniques and Benefits:

  • Breath Control (Pranayama): Various breathing techniques designed to regulate and balance the flow of prana in the body. Practices such as alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) and breath retention (kumbhaka) are common. Ujjayi pranayama is a particularly useful technique in many guided meditations.

  • Pranic Healing Meditations: Use breath and visualization to direct prana to specific parts of the body, facilitating healing and revitalization. Mastering prana improves physical health and provides greater control over mental and emotional states, enhancing self-regulation and resilience.

  • Core Strength, Calm Mind Techniques: Once you have developed ujjayi, you can manipulate your vital life force to manage stress and face difficulties with greater confidence and resilience. Guided meditation techniques in this series empower you to develop a more accepting, courageous spirit by strengthening your deep, energetic, psychological, and emotional core.

Stage 4: Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation – Step 3: Mantras and Ajapa Japa

Progressing further, you engage with mantras and ajapa japa. Mantras are powerful sound vibrations that influence the mind and body, while ajapa japa combines breath and mantra, fostering a deeper connection with subtle energies within the body. This practice reveals underlying forces mapped by yogis and seers, aiding in uncovering unconscious patterns and enhancing spiritual insight.

Techniques and Benefits:

  • Mantra Meditation: Involves repeating specific sounds or phrases (mantras) to focus the mind and access deeper states of consciousness. Common mantras include “Om” or “So Hum.”

  • Ajapa Japa: Combines breath awareness and ujjayi pranayama with the silent repetition of a mantra, synchronizing breath, and mantra to deepen meditation and enhance the flow of prana.

These practices deepen self-awareness and activate and harmonize subtle energies within the body, promoting overall well-being and spiritual growth.

Stage 5: Self-Mastery – Advanced Techniques and Self-Realization

The final stages of Big Shakti’s success path involve the most advanced techniques for self-realization and enlightenment. By mastering prana and integrating mantras with the breath, you become attuned to the intricate dynamics of your mind and body. These advanced practices lead to profound insights and a deeper understanding of the self, ultimately fostering a state of self-mastery where you live in harmony with your highest values and purpose.

Techniques and Benefits:

  • Chakra Meditations: Help align, balance, and cleanse your chakras, enabling you to listen to your intuition and access your inner power, vitality, and self-knowledge.

  • Advanced Pranayama and Kriya Techniques: Include complex breath control practices and energy-cleansing techniques that purify the body and mind, preparing them for higher states of consciousness. These are taught in advanced courses, both live and online.

  • Tantric Meditations: Utilise intricate visualizations and energy work to transcend ordinary consciousness and access higher spiritual realms. Through these advanced practices, you achieve a state of self-realization where you experience a profound sense of unity with the universe and a deep understanding of your true nature, your highest self.

Self-Awareness Mastery Through Meditation Big Shakti’s Success Path

Integrating Eastern and Western Approaches

Big Shakti’s courses combine traditional Eastern methods with Western psychological and self-development techniques, providing a holistic approach to personal growth. This integration makes the knowledge and practices contained in ancient wisdom traditions accessible and relevant to contemporary life.

  • Eastern Spiritual Practices: The rich heritage of yoga and tantra offers a vast array of theories and techniques that amplify self-awareness and accelerate spiritual growth. Big Shakti draws on these time-tested practices, providing guided meditations and courses that incorporate the wisdom of ancient traditions.

  • Western Psychological Insights: By incorporating modern psychological principles, the ancient principles of yoga and tantra are grounded in a modern understanding of the body, mind, and spirit, making them more digestible and applicable to modern life. This integration helps you apply ancient techniques in ways that are effective and meaningful in today’s context.

The Power of Progressive Development

Big Shakti’s systematic, graduated approach ensures you build a solid foundation before moving on to more advanced practices. This progression prevents overwhelm and ensures that each stage of development is fully integrated, leading to sustainable growth and lasting transformation.

Practical Implementation

Big Shakti’s success path is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of previous experience with yoga or meditation. Here’s how you can practically implement this path in your life:

  1. Start with Relaxation: Begin with guided relaxation techniques to establish a foundation of calm and mental clarity. Programs like Yoga Nidra can be particularly effective for beginners.

  2. Develop Self-Awareness: Move on to mindfulness and body scan meditations to cultivate a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.

  3. Learn to Control Your Breath: Introduce breath control practices to enhance energy flow and emotional regulation. Start with basic techniques and gradually incorporate more advanced practices.

  4. Incorporate Mantras and Ajapa Japa: Use mantra meditation and Ajapa Japa to deepen your practice and connect with subtle energies.

  5. Advance to Higher Techniques: As you become more proficient, explore advanced pranayama, kriya, and tantric meditations to achieve self-realization and spiritual enlightenment.


Big Shakti’s success path offers a comprehensive framework for increasing self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-mastery. Through a combination of relaxation, mindfulness, prana mastery, and advanced mantra techniques, you can achieve profound personal and spiritual growth.

By integrating Eastern spiritual practices with Western psychological insights, Big Shakti provides a holistic approach that is both ancient and modern, guiding you toward self-realization and enlightenment. This structured, progressive path ensures that each stage of development builds upon the previous one, creating a sustainable and powerful journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Our Therapeutic Meditation Bundle for Psychological Wellbeing is specially designed to support your mental and emotional health, and is an example of our proven progressive success path. With guided meditations and comprehensive techniques, this bundle is your key to unlocking a calmer, more balanced, and resilient mind. Start your path to self-mastery with the Therapeutic Meditation Bundle.

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