Yoga of Mental Health Workshops Start March → More Info

eMag ~ Mental Health

DALL·E 2025-01-30 11.57.38 - A photorealistic image depicting Yoga Psychology and Therapy in a serene outdoor setting. A peaceful individual sits in a meditative posture on a yoga

Yoga has long been a path to mental clarity and emotional balance, yet in the modern world, we often look to medicine alone for answers. We believe that true healing requires a broader understanding—one that integrates the deep wisdom of yoga with the insights of contemporary psychology and neuroscience.

Eastern traditions have mapped the mind for millennia, offering profound frameworks like Samkhya that reveal the deeper forces shaping our thoughts and emotions. Western medicine, with its advancements in brain science, now confirms many of these ancient insights. When we bring these perspectives together, we create a more complete approach to mental well-being—one that addresses not just symptoms, but the root causes of suffering.

In this newsletter, we explore this vital intersection, sharing teachings and practices that support true mental wellness.

Jayne and Swami Shankardev

700 Mental Health Workshops

Yoga of Mental Health Workshops

We've recently launched a series of new Yoga of Mental Health workshops to share knowledge and practices that integrate Eastern philosophy and Western medicine to improve mental and emotional well-being.

The workshops are a four-part exploration of yoga’s profound impact on mental well-being. Designed as a progressive journey, it guides you from the foundations of yogic philosophy to practical techniques that cultivate emotional resilience, self-regulation, and mental clarity. By integrating Eastern wisdom with modern psychology, each session builds upon the last, creating a structured approach to understanding and transforming the mind to improve mental health.

đŸ”č Samkhya Philosophy & Mental Health – Begin with the foundation. Samkhya provides a map of the mind, offering insight into how mental patterns form and how suffering can be transformed into clarity.

đŸ”č Uncovering the Roots of Mental Illness – Drawing from the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, we explore how ancient texts illuminate the causes of mental distress and offer pathways to inner stability.

đŸ”č Restoring Self-Regulation – Learn yogic practices such as breathwork and meditation to regulate emotions, strengthen inner resilience, and create inner balance.

đŸ”č Mantra Therapy – Explore how sound and vibration can reshape thought patterns, shifting the mind toward healing and well-being.

Each 2 hour workshop includes a teaching lecture, guided meditation, interactive Q&A, and a CPE certificate. All registered participants also receive recordings.

WHO FOR: This series is ideal for yoga practitioners, healthcare professionals, and anyone seeking a holistic approach to mental well-being—bridging ancient philosophy with practical, transformative tools.

Find Out More 


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Yoga Therapy Reimagined: Merging East and West

We've written an article describing Big Shakti's integrative approach to yoga therapy, which combines Western medicine with Eastern practices like yoga-tantra and Ayurveda, treating patients holistically rather than just addressing symptoms.

While yoga therapy offers valuable tools for self-awareness and transformation, it works best as part of a comprehensive system that recognizes the limitations of any single healing tradition and tailors treatment to each individual's unique needs and circumstances.

 📕 Read Article: Yoga Therapy Reimagined: Merging East and West


PODCAST 21. Understanding Mental Health Thorough Samkhya Philosophy 1200

#21 Understanding Mental Health Through Samkhya Philosophy

True healing goes beyond symptoms—it requires understanding the deeper layers of the mind and consciousness. In this episode of the Light on Yoga & Meditation Podcast, we explore Samkhya, an ancient map of consciousness that aligns surprisingly well with modern neuroscience.

This conversation offers a glimpse into what we’ll be covering in-depth in our Yoga of Mental Health Workshop Series—blending Eastern wisdom with Western medicine to address challenges like anxiety and depression. Whether you're navigating your own mental health, working in healthcare, or simply curious, this episode provides valuable insights.

Listen or Watch: Understanding Mental Health Through Samkhya Philosophy


"Samkhya is a mirror that reflects the workings of your mind back to you. Through this lens you can see how your mind operates, what patterns drive your behavior, and how to transform mental suffering into clarity and purpose."

Here are 5 reflection points to consider as you move through the month.

  1. How might understanding the three gunas (sattva, rajas, and tamas) help me recognize patterns in my emotional states and make conscious choices that support greater mental balance?
  2. Do I have issues making decisions because I feel disconnected from my higher intuitive intelligence (buddhi)?
  3. Do I feel disturbed by unresolved emotional issues and impressions (samskāras) stored in my unconscious (chitta) manifesting as recurring thought patterns or emotional reactions in my daily life?
  4. Do I feel mentally overwhelmed? Which of the four organs of the mind (manas, buddhi, chitta, ahamkara) seems most affected, and what practices might help restore harmony?
  5. How can I use self-awareness as a tool to witness my thoughts and emotions rather than becoming identified with them, especially during challenging mental states?

Featured Teaching

700 Workshop - Sāáčƒkhya Philosophy & Mental Health

Samkhya Philosophy & Mental Health: A Yogic Path to Holistic Well-Being

Are stress, anxiety, or emotional patterns keeping you stuck?

Samkhya, India's oldest philosophical system, offers a profound yet practical understanding of the mind—revealing how mental patterns form and how they can be transformed.

More than just philosophy, Samkhya acts as a mirror, reflecting the deeper forces shaping your thoughts and emotions. When integrated with yoga and modern psychology, it provides a holistic path to mental clarity, resilience, and well-being.

Join Dr. Swami Shankardev Saraswati for this online workshop exploring this ancient wisdom and its relevance to mental health.

Find Out More 

Articles on Yoga and Mental Health

📕 Subtle Ways Stress Sneaks Up on You (And What To Do About It)

📕 Integrative Medicine for Mental Health: A Holistic Approach to Well-Being

📕 How Yoga Tantra Supports Deep Inner Healing and Mental Well-Being

📕 Finding Calm: How Yoga Nidra Can Help You Reduce Anxiety

📕 Recovering from Stressful Times with Yoga Nidra and Prana Nidra

📕 How Stress Wrecks Your Brain (and How Yoga and Meditation Can Restore Brain Health)

📕 Release the Tension Repair the Exhaustion

Behind the Scenes 

As you know, we love Eastern philosophy, yoga, and meditation. We also deeply value the incredible advances of modern Western medicine—and we use both because neither yoga nor Western medicine are panaceas for holistic health.

We also know that the body thrives on gross movement, lifting weights, breaking a sweat, and building physical strength.

So, after a day’s work on Big Shakti or with our private clients, you’ll find us in the gym!


Maintaining health is about knowledge and action. Strength, flexibility, and resilience are worthy practices and great for mental well-being.

You will learn more about what we do personally for our well-being in the Yoga of Mental Health Workshops. 

Swami Shankardev and Jayne Workout

That's all from us for now. Take care and stay wellÂ đŸ§˜đŸŒÂ 

Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati & Jayne Stevenson

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📅 MARCH-JUNE 2025 Yoga of Mental Health ~ Live Online Workshops

Yoga Therapy Reimagined: Merging East and West
700 Mental Health Workshops

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