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Therapeutic Meditations for Psychological Wellbeing

The 6 Essential Meditation Techniques for Healing & Higher Consciousness

Tap into profound healing and spiritual growth with our 6 Essential Meditation Techniques bundle. This bundle combines the most important meditations used for psychological healing and growth. These are the main practices we use in a therapeutic setting to support mental health, emotional well-being, and spiritual awakening.

  • Includes: 6 Guided Meditations (105 mins)
  • Authors: Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati & Jayne Stevenson
  • Presenter: Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati
  • Level: All Levels
  • Access: Listen online, via our app, or download the MP3s
BUY NOW ~ $35
Big Shakti

“As a practitioner of yoga, I have long been familiar with the concept of "grounding," but I struggled to connect it with my actual practice. These meditations invited me to look deeper inside my body. I gained a profound realization of the importance of changes in intra-abdominal pressure. I came to understand that my attempts to breathe into the abdomen without coordinated relaxation of the abdominal wall may have been the root cause of some of my problems. As I delved deeper into the practices taught in this course, I found myself not only grounded in the physical sense but also rooted in a profound connection with my innermost self. The teachings have become an integral part of my daily practice, helping me to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and clarity.”

Praha, Czech Republic (EU)

Heal, Grow, and Elevate Your Consciousness

When people come to us seeking guidance to better cope with stress, face life's challenges, or manage mental health conditions, we offer a variety of meditation techniques that we tailor to their specific needs.

We have compiled all these techniques into the Therapeutic Meditation Bundle, a self-guided program for managing stress, building mental strength and emotional resilience, and developing mindfulness and self-awareness. We have found that the majority of people who sincerely practice these techniques experience significant improvements in their lives. 

The Therapeutic Meditation Bundle integrates six of the most essential and powerful meditation techniques from the yoga-tantra wisdom tradition. These techniques include relaxation, breath awareness, breath control, grounding practices, and mantras (healing sounds), to soothe and strengthen the mind. 

This bundle offers a personal toolkit to manage stress, anxiety, various forms of mental illness, and challenging emotions. As you learn and apply these techniques, they can be used to address individual issues as they arise. Practicing this sequence of meditations builds confidence in their application, allowing you to experience profound healing.

These techniques are highly effective when used in professional counselling sessions,
accelerating the healing process. 

Understanding and applying these techniques will help you navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and clarity, fostering a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Enhance Self-Awareness & Self-Healing

Yoga Psychology: The meditations in the bundle enable you to systematically explore the layers of your mind and emotions, moving deeper with each technique. This journey inward promotes greater mental clarity and emotional stability.

Self-Awareness: You will cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness via a structured process. By observing your mind, thoughts, emotions, and desires without attachment, you can develop a clearer understanding of your mental patterns and gain control over your actions and behavior.

Self-Healing: Activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms with breath work and relaxation techniques. These meditations help you release tension, create grounding and stability, and rejuvenate your mind and body.

6 Essential Meditation Techniques for Healing & Higher Consciousness

With the Therapeutic Meditation Bundle, you will learn a series of powerful techniques that aid healing, expand self-awareness, and amplify higher consciousness. This series of guided yoga and meditation techniques is designed to guide you in managing stress, improving mental clarity and focus, and fostering emotional resilience. You'll feel more grounded, present, and capable of facing life's challenges.

Here is what to expect from each meditation track in the bundle:

Short Lying Relaxation

Reclaiming Energy and Relaxation

The first step in this journey is to relax and regain your energy. This short lying relaxation meditation can be done anytime to help you disconnect from the hustle of daily life. It induces a state of deep relaxation, allowing your body and mind to recover from stress and fatigue. Restoring energy and vitality is the first step, creating a foundation for healing.

Controlled Breath

Activating the Rest and Digest System

The controlled breath technique involves observing and counting the length of your breath. Long, slow breaths deactivate the stress response, turn on relaxation, enabling you to rest deeply, restore energy, and experience a state of inner calm.  This shift from an stress-dominant to a relaxation-dominant state further promotes energy recovery, enhances digestion, and supports overall well-being.

Inner Silence (Stage 2)

Cultivating Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

Inner Silence Stage 2 is a mindfulness practice that trains you to observe your thoughts and emotions without reacting to them. This passive observation cultivates self-awareness and helps you recognize both positive and negative mental patterns. By becoming a witness to your mind, you can manage your emotions more effectively and harness your inner strengths.

Ujjayi Breathing

Deepening Relaxation through Breath Control

Ujjayi is a special yogis form of diaphragmatic breathing that significantly slows your breath, inducing a profound state of relaxation. This pranayama enhances your ability to positively influence your nervous system, making it a cornerstone of deeper Yoga Tantra practices. 

Abdominal Breathing

Grounding and Stability

Abdominal Breathing, also called balloon breathing, uses Ujjayi to stabilize and energize the body. By focusing on inflation and deflation of the belly, you grounds yourself. Grounding allows you to remain calm and centered even under stressful conditions. You are better equipped to face life's challenges with a positive and resilient mindset.

Ajapa Japa Frontal Passage

Awakening Higher Consciousness

Ajapa Japa is our most potent meditation for healing the mind. It combines the breath and mantras to activate the chakras. It purifies your unconscious mind, enabling you to access the deeper, usually unconscious powers within. When you start this meditation, you embark on a journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery, unlocking your true potential. 

Big Shakti

“I love having the meditations available on the app so I can access them wherever I am, including lying down. Lovely—calm voice, good pace, and excellent length.”


Experience the many benefits of our Therapeutic Meditation Bundle for Psychological Wellbeing

  • Manage Thoughts and Emotions: Learn to manage stress, anxiety, and negative feelings while building positive ones.
  • Build Inner Strength: Strengthen your psychological and emotional core, creating true core strength and mental calm.
  • Increase Resilience: Develop the resilience to face life’s challenges with stability and confidence.
  • Enhance Self-Awareness: Improve self-awareness and intuition, leading to better decision-making and personal growth.
  • Spiritual Awareness: Create a deeper connection with your higher self and the cosmos.
  • Stress Relief ~ Clear your mind of toxic thoughts and emotions.
  • Deep Relaxation ~ Achieve unparalleled relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Researched Techniques: Incorporates the most effective methods of mindfulness, self-awareness, breath awareness, mantra (healing sound vibration), and grounding meditations.
  • Personal Growth: Helps you develop mental and emotional maturity, boosting your self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Flexible Application: Apply these techniques to manage individual issues as they arise, with or without the support of an experienced practitioner.
  • Improved Mental Clarity ~ Foster a more positive and productive mindset.
  • Emotional Resilience ~ Develop the strength to remain calm and composed during challenges.
  • Comprehensive Healing: These meditations support both mental and emotional healing, offering a holistic approach to well-being.
Big Shakti

“I just can't tell you enough how completely grateful I am for your work with the guided meditations. I use them EVERY DAY, either following along with the guided meditations or as self-practice, and the inner alignment/movement is subtly profound.”


Big Shakti

“Inner Silence purifies the mind from accumulated negative mental content, memories, and emotions. Those are words and promises of what can be experienced with this practice. It was Big Shakti's meditation that brought this to life for me. The benefit of breath, mantra, and flame prior was deep, rich, and enlightening. It allowed me to be in a safe, spacious place to witness. The clear instructions enabled me to purify my thoughts.”

NSW, Australia

Big Shakti

“I have been practicing the meditations for just over a month now. It has made a great deal of difference to me, even in this short period of time. I find in these simple practices is the ease with which one can bring them into one's daily life. ”

Indianapolis, USA

900 yoga heart mind

Practice Hints

  • Sequential Practice: Follow the tracks in order to gradually build your relaxation and mindfulness skills.

  • Daily Routine: Integrate these meditations into your daily routine for consistent mental and emotional well-being.

  • Flexible Timing: Practice anytime it is convenient, whether in the morning to start your day with clarity or in the evening to unwind and relax.

  • Therapeutic Use: Especially beneficial in stressful situations to calm the mind and stabilize emotions.

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Ground Your Energy and Align Your Being

Therapeutic Meditation Bundle for Psychological Wellbeing

If you struggle with an anxious and restless mind, the Therapeutic Meditation Bundle is a transformative solution. This series of guided meditation techniques integrate the principles of Yoga Tantra, yoga psychology, self-awareness, and self-healing to help you manage stress and anxiety effectively.

By grounding your energy and aligning your mind, body, and heart, you will find it easier to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence. This meditation series is a comprehensive approach to achieving mental calm and emotional resilience, making it ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety and restlessness.

Includes:  6 Guided Meditations

Short Lying Relaxation: Reclaiming Energy and Relaxation
Controlled Breath: Activating the Rest and Digest System
Inner Silence (Stage 2): Cultivating Mindfulness and Self-Awareness
Ujjayi Breathing: Deepening Relaxation through Breath Control
Abdominal Breathing: Grounding and Stability
Ajapa Japa Frontal Passage: Awakening Higher Consciousness

Buy Meditation Bundle ~ $35