Core Strength Calm MInd Meditation - Product 600

Core Strength Calm Mind

Become grounded, confident, and stable.

Core Strength Calm Mind is a guided meditation series designed to help you manage stress and face difficulties with greater confidence and resilience. These techniques empower you to develop a more accepting, courageous spirit by strengthening your deep energetic, psychological, and emotional core.

  • Includes: Introductory Talk and 5 Guided Meditations (112 mins)
  • Authors: Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati & Jayne Stevenson
  • Presenter: Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati
  • Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • Access: Listen online via online portal/app or download MP3s
BUY NOW ~ $35
Big Shakti

“As a practitioner of yoga, I have long been familiar with the concept of "grounding," but I struggled to connect it with my actual practice. That is, until I discovered Big Shaktis Core Strength Calm Mind Course, which teaches Grounding, Alignment, and Pulsation. These meditations invited me to look deeper inside my body. I gained a profound realization of the importance of changes in intra-abdominal pressure. I came to understand that my attempts to breathe into the abdomen without coordinated relaxation of the abdominal wall may have been the root cause of some of my problems.
As I delved deeper into the practices taught in this course, I found myself not only grounded in the physical sense but also rooted in a profound connection with my innermost self. The teachings have become an integral part of my daily practice, helping me to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and clarity.”

Praha, Czech Republic (EU)

What is Core Strength Calm Mind About?

Core Strength Calm Mind is about building a resilient inner core to handle life's difficulties and stresses. Through grounding, alignment, and pulsation meditations, you will develop stability, connect with your strengths, and revitalize your energy. These practices help you achieve a more grounded and centered state under all circumstances, leading to mental calm and heightened intuition.

Knowing how to cultivate and maintain inner strength and mental calm is the foundation of a more peaceful, confident, and resilient life.

Why Choose Core Strength Calm Mind Meditation

  • Manage Thoughts and Emotions: Learn to manage stress, anxiety, and negative feelings while building positive ones.

  • Build Inner Strength: Strengthen your psychological and emotional core, creating true core strength and mental calm.

  • Increase Resilience: Develop the resilience to face life’s challenges with stability and confidence.

  • Enhance Self-Awareness: Improve self-awareness and intuition, leading to better decision-making and personal growth.

  • Develop Authentic Confidence: Cultivate genuine self-confidence through increased self-knowledge and inner strength.

Core Strength Calm Mind Meditation Track Guide

With Core Strength Calm Mind guided meditations, you will journey towards inner strength and mental calm. These guided yoga and meditation techniques will help you feel more grounded, present, and resilient in all situations. You’ll build energy, inner strength, and stability, leading to a calmness that permeates your daily life. You will develop the courage and confidence needed to work through problems and deal effectively with challenges.

Here is what to expect from each meditation track in the series:

Track 1

Talk on Core Strength Calm Mind

This introductory talk explains the importance of developing a resilient inner core to handle life’s difficulties. Learn about grounding, alignment, and pulsation meditations that utilize the internal muscles called diaphragms.

Sample Audio:

Core strength Mp3 - Talk - sample

Track 2

Psychic Breath – Ujjayi

Discover Ujjayi, a controlled yogic breathing technique that manipulates prana by making a soft, subtle sound. This breath technique carries awareness to the more subtle layers of your being.

Track 3

Develop Inner Strength – Grounding

This meditation uses various muscles of the belly to gain conscious control over energy and grounding, generating vitality, power, security, and stability.

Sample Audio:

Core strength Mp3 - Track 3 Abdominal balloon - sample

Track 4

Connect Inner Strength with Heart – Alignment

Align your developed inner strength with the heart to generate and feel both strength and compassion simultaneously through breath and dynamic visualizations.

Track 5

Energize and Purify Head, Heart, and Belly – Pulsation

Focus on the three diaphragms of the body, releasing feelings of excessive responsibility, burden, and worry by meditating on the cranial diaphragm.

Track 6

Ignite the 3 Flames of Awareness – Integration

Generate a wave of pulsation at the head, heart, and belly simultaneously, linking this energy with the image of a flame to empower clarity, love, compassion, and vitality.

Big Shakti

“I just can't tell you enough how completely grateful I am for your work with the guided meditations. I use them EVERY DAY, either following along with the guided meditations or as self-practice, and the inner alignment/movement is subtly profound.”


Big Shakti

“I have been practicing the Core Strength Calm Mind (Grounding Alignment and Pulsation) meditations for just over a month now. It has made a great deal of difference to me, even in this short period of time. Almost from the first day that I started practicing the simple techniques I have noticed an increased energy level, and I get less tired. This alone has made a big difference in my life. Another advantage that I find in these simple practices is the ease with which one can bring them into one's daily life. ”

Indianapolis, USA

Big Shakti

“Your Core Strength Calm Mind guided meditations working with grounding, alignment, and pulsation. I enjoy these very much. Probably because of my yoga studies and training, it was easy to work with your instructions (which are nice and clear) and feel the movement in the body. ”

Yoga Teacher, Minnesota USA

Yoga Relaxation Meditation Inner Silence 900

Core Strength & Calm Mind Meditation Practice Hints

  • Sequential Practice: Follow the tracks in order to gradually build your ability to maintain inner strength and mental calm.

  • Daily Routine: Integrate these meditations into your daily routine to cultivate a consistent state of mindfulness and self-awareness.

  • Flexible Timing: Practice anytime it is convenient, whether in the morning to start your day with clarity, or in the evening to unwind and relax.

  • Therapeutic Use: Especially beneficial in stressful situations to calm the mind and stabilize emotions.

Quiet Your Restless & Anxious Mind

Calm Your Mind and Strengthen Your Core

If you struggle with an anxious and restless mind, Core Strength Calm Mind meditations can be a transformative solution. These guided techniques help you manage stress and anxiety by strengthening your psychological and emotional core, promoting a sense of inner calm and stability.

By grounding your energy and aligning your mind, body, and heart, you'll find it easier to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence. This meditation series offers a structured approach to achieving mental calm, making it an ideal practice for those seeking relief from anxiety and restlessness.

Includes: Introductory Talk and 5 Guided Meditations

Buy Meditation Pack ~ $35