Light on the Chakras and Kundalini

Learn theory and meditation techniques that empower authentic chakra and kundalini awakening.



The Chakras are the psychic centers in the spine that control every part of your body, mind, and spirit.

Kundalini is primordial cosmic energy stored in the base chakra, muladhara, which is the primary source of power for all the chakras.

In this course, you will learn theory and meditation techniques that empower authentic chakra and kundalini awakening.

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The aim of this course is the awakening of powerful psychic and spiritual energy that uplifts your consciousness and increases your self-awareness. You will expand self-awareness and, at the same time, develop a strong, stable mind that can handle the powerful energies within the psyche and the activation of kundalinī.

A side effect of this study, when followed systematically, is improved mental health and emotional resilience.

A Potent Learning Structure

We have structured the course into three sections. Each section focuses on the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the chakras.


Section 1: Introduction & Ajna Chakra


Develop a thorough understanding of the yoga-tantra philosophy that describes the chakras. Yoga tantra provides you with the keys to unlock the mysteries of the chakras. This section focuses on ajna chakra, which awakens the knowledge and intuition required to journey into the powerful forces of the psyche contained within each of the chakras, especially the lower chakras, which are more difficult to manage.

Section 2: Chakra by Chakra


Experience each chakra individually. This section provides you with theory and techniques that enable you to meditate on each chakra, to purify and strengthen each chakra as part of an ascending hierarchy of increasingly subtler and more refined energies and consciousness.

Section 3: Combining The Chakras


Learn how to link each chakra with other chakras. By linking the chakras in various combinations, you expand your sense of self, increase your psychological and spiritual growth, and speed up the evolution of your consciousness.

Big Shakti

“Swami Shankardev's love of people and his passion for teaching the way of yoga inspires one to continue practicing the techniques. He is renowned for his ability to deliver yogic practices and philosophy in a manner that ignites an inner passion, motivating you to make these concepts a living reality in your life. This seminar (Facing Life) provides the ideal structure in which to learn and absorb, gradually leading you deeper into understanding.”

Sydney, Australia

Big Shakti

“Swami Shankardev radiates the light and knowledge of his lineage along with a great sense of humor and a certain simplicity and lightness of being. Not a small feat! Big Shakti is a valuable site for all aspiring to yoga, laymen and advanced practitioners alike. Thank you for the great work!”

Yoga Teacher, Barcelona, Spain

Big Shakti

“Dr. Swami Shankardev is an excellent and profound teacher. A humble and thoughtful Yoga Acharya (Master of Yoga), he addresses his students with a strong desire to share his sacred knowledge in the true spirit of giving. After his visit to Jivamukti, I began to practice Big Shakti's guided meditations. I find them extremely helpful, full of wonderful instruction, and deeply soothing.”

Yoga Teacher, Jivamukti New York, NY USA

Ready to get started?


Light on the Chakras & Kundalini

Learn theory and meditation techniques that empower authentic chakra and kundalini awakening.


Enroll & Start Today

BS Chakras Kundalini 600 x 900 

Study the Chakras

The lessons and classes in this course form a structured sequence that enables a grounded and authentic realization of the chakras.

You will follow a prescribed system that takes you from the basics that ensure a solid preparation to advanced theory and practice that unlock the secrets within each chakra. This enables understanding, experience, and integration of the complete chakra system and kundalini activation.

Each lesson introduces a new concept which deepens concepts from previous lessons. Each module also introduces a new meditation technique that builds on the techniques from previous modules.

Course Modules


Introduction to Chakras, Mahā Gunas, and the Subtle Body

Module 1 covers foundational teachings about the relationship between consciousness, energy, and the chakras.

It also explores key concepts like the Mahā Gunas, self-awareness, the psychic realms, and the role of energy in increasing consciousness, along with practical guidance on meditation and yoga practices to activate and balance these energies.

Additionally, the lessons in Module 1 delve into subtle body mechanics, energy bodies, the five sheaths, and the importance of connecting with the psyche, referencing both ancient wisdom and Carl Jung’s insights.


The Spiritual Spine & Awakening Kundalini

Module 2 covers the integration of the physical and spiritual dimensions of the body, focusing on the spine and Kundalinī energy.

We explore the spine as the axis of the body, examining its physical, energetic, and spiritual aspects, along with breathing techniques and meditation practices for spiritual development.

We then build on this by delving into Kundalinī energy, its symbolism, cultural significance, and methods for activating this energy, while addressing potential blocks to its awakening.

Altogether, Module 2 offers a comprehensive approach to unlocking deeper spiritual awareness through the body.


Karma, the Chakra Energy Centres and Ājñā Activation

Module 3 focuses on the relationship between energy centres, karma, purification, and spiritual awakening.

It explores the chakra system, karma, and purification techniques, focusing on managing karmic patterns, purifying unconscious tendencies (Chitta Shuddhi), and deepening concentration through meditation.

Additionally, the lessons delve into the Ājñā Chakra, examining its functions and psychological significance, while providing methods to activate and awaken this key energy centre for spiritual growth and enhanced consciousness.


Awakening the Mūlādhāra and Swādhisthāna Chakras for Grounding and Emotional Balance

Module 4 focuses on understanding and awakening the lower chakras, essential for grounding and emotional balance.

It covers the Mūlādhāra Chakra, examining its symbols, healthy and unhealthy states, and how to activate it through meditation for greater stability and physical health.

Additionally, Module 4 explores the Swādhisthāna Chakra, delving into its connection to emotional and creative energy, along with techniques for awakening this centre to enhance emotional regulation and spiritual growth.


Harness Personal Power and Awaken the Heart through Manipūra and Anāhata Chakras

Module 5 focuses on the development and activation of the higher energy centres, essential for personal power and unconditional love.

It explores the Manipūra Chakra, focusing on its role in personal strength, willpower, and transformation, while also teaching techniques for its activation and balance through meditation.

Additionally, Module 5 delves into the Anāhata Chakra, guiding students on how to awaken and maintain the healthy flow of compassion, love, and emotional balance, with specific meditation practices for enhancing spiritual fulfilment.


Higher Consciousness through the Vishuddhi, Bindu, and Sahasrāra Chakras

Module 6 focuses on the higher chakras associated with communication, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment.

It explores the Vishuddhi Chakra, which governs communication, self-expression, and purification, along with meditation practices to awaken and activate this energy centre.

Additionally, Module 6 covers the Bindu and Sahasrāra Chakras, detailing their role in higher consciousness, spiritual fulfilment, and connection to universal energy, with advanced meditation techniques for activating these key spiritual centres.


Aligning Life's Stages with Chakras and Unlocking Elemental Balance

Module 7 focuses on integrating the stages and aims of life with the chakras, along with the elemental relationships within the chakra system.

It explores the Four Stages and Four Aims of Life, detailing how they align with specific chakras and influence personal growth across different phases of life.

Additionally, the lessons delve into the elemental connections of the chakras, examining their attributes, balancing Ida and Pingalā, and highlighting the Anāhata Chakra as a central point for linking the lower and upper chakras and achieving grounded self-awareness.


Balancing Instinct and Emotion through Chakra Pairs

Module 8 focuses on understanding the dynamic interplay between pairs of chakras and how they influence fundamental aspects of human existence.

It explores the Mūlādhāra and Swādhisthāna chakras, examining their connection to primal instincts such as sex, procreation, and survival, as well as the management of sexual energy for higher purposes.

Additionally, the lessons delve into the relationship between the Manipūra and Anāhata chakras, highlighting themes of power, resilience, courage, and empathy, and offering techniques to cultivate these qualities while staying grounded in the heart during difficult times.


Advanced Chakra Pairings for Mental Clarity and Spiritual Growth

Module 9 delves into the advanced pairing of chakras and how they influence mental functions, creativity, and communication.

This module covers the relationship between the Vishuddhi and Ājñā chakras, exploring how primal drives, communication, and creativity are interconnected with balancing the two sides of the brain.

Additionally, the lessons expand on various chakra combinations, such as Mūlādhāra and Anāhata, Manipūra and Vishuddhi, and many more, demonstrating how these connections impact different aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.


Chakra Mastery and Key Teachings

Module 10 serves as a comprehensive review of the course, summarising key concepts, chakra teachings, and meditation practices explored throughout the lessons.

It highlights the personal growth, spiritual development, and deeper self-awareness gained, reinforcing the connection between the chakras and their journey toward balance, healing, and higher consciousness.

Module 10 is an important final lesson in your journey.

Topics Covered

    • The key principles from Yoga, Tantra, Samkhya, and Vedanta (Indian philosophies)
    • Initiation into chakra spiritual practice (sadhana)
    • Awakening consciousness and Self-awareness for inner illumination and enlightenment
    • Activating energy/shakti – inner power, skills and abilities
    • The four organs of mind, the 25 tattwas (elemental forces)
    • The three bodies, the subtle body, the five koshas (sheaths)
    • The chakras, form and function
    • The symbols within each chakra explained – petals, elements, mantras, elements, gods, animals
    • Chakras and the brain
    • Preparing the spine for the ascent of kundalini in the central channel (Sushumna Nadi)
    • Mantras, yantras, psychic symbols (Ishta devatā), sacred symbols
  • The journey from ego consciousness to the True Self
  • Jungian psychology, archetypes, and libido
  • Activating the devata, luminous forces that support your progress
  • Managing the dark forces (asura) that impede your progress
  • Spiritual practices (sadhana) to transform darkness into light
  • Meditations on the chakras, nadis and kundalini
  • Awakening the third eye that enables you to visualize the universe within you
  • How the chakras relate to the Sri Yantra
  • Indian astrology and the chakras – know your karma
  • Karmic remedies for imbalanced chakras
  • How imbalanced chakras can create mental illness and what to do about it
  • How to apply this knowledge to mental and emotional health and spiritual awakening

Ready to get started?


Light on the Chakras & Kundalini

Learn theory and meditation techniques that empower authentic chakra and kundalini awakening.


Enroll & Start Today

Who is this chakras and kundalini course for?

This is a rare, thorough, grounded training program to develop mastery of the subtle body, the more stable and permanent sheaths underlying the physical form. The subtle body contains the chakras and is powered by kundalinī energy, which arises from a deeper part of you.

Chakra meditations are intermediate practices within the yoga traditions. However, this program is suitable for anyone with an interest in the subject. It lays the foundation for safe exploration of this vast subject, even for relative beginners to yoga and meditation.

Ideally, you will have had some basic experience of yoga postures, breathing, relaxation, and meditation. However, in the first part of the course, the fundamentals of chakra meditation practice, including postures, preliminary breathing, and basic meditation techniques are given. It is also important for intermediate and advanced practitioners to go over the basics and ensure that they are prepared for the more advanced practices in the later lessons.

By following the program sequentially and practicing regularly you will build your internal psychic muscles and develop the skills you need. You will be guided into theory and practices that progress gradually and systematically, giving you an opportunity to build various skills, for example, relaxation, before progressing to the more demanding concentration techniques.

This program is especially useful for yoga teachers, and advanced students who wish to shore up their foundations, both theoretical and practical, and also progress into more advanced studies.

The training is designed to learn sequentially and integrate a module each month.
We recommend allowing 12 months to complete the training and integration.


Dr. Swami Shankardev Saraswati and Jayne Stevenson

Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati will provide expert guidance to support you in purifying, balancing, strengthening, and illuminating your chakras. He is a master of yoga and meditation (Yoga Acharya), a medical doctor, and a psychotherapist.

Both Dr. Swami Shankardev and Jayne have dedicated their lives to integrating ancient meditation techniques with modern scientific understanding. This course is a testament to their passion for promoting mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Together, they created this in-depth training course to provide you with powerful yoga meditation wisdom and practices that support incredible healing and personal growth. 

What Students Are Saying...

Big Shakti

“This is an amazing course. There is so much material that you have covered, and when I review past classes, I realize I learn new things each time or become clearer at a deeper level. The pacing works well for me. More frequent would be difficult to manage. Because I review the past Lessons and Classes and take notes, the whole class has taken a great deal of time. It has been more than well worth it. I experience your teaching as being filled with sattwic energy so that when I review the recordings, I am also uplifted. I feel very blessed and grateful that Jayne and you have taken the time and devotion to share these life-affirming and transforming teachings so generously and in such a comprehensive and beautiful way. You make ancient teachings and truth accessible in modern daily life. With much appreciation and gratitude.”

Psychiatrist, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Big Shakti

“The course was impeccably structured. Each lesson provided a deep understanding of the topic, enhanced by well-crafted visuals. The meditations were well designed and communicated to help me deepen theory into experiential learning. The flow of the course was systematic and helpful to students. Swami Shankardev and Jayne Stevenson have a remarkable ability to use language to communicate a profound depth of knowledge and experience. More importantly, you are so open to questions that arise for me, and I deeply value the connection. There are no words to communicate how meaningful and helpful you have both been to me.”

Indianapolis, USA

Big Shakti

“Swami Shankardev's love of people and his passion for teaching the way of yoga inspires one to continue practicing the techniques. He is renowned for his ability to deliver yogic practices and philosophy in a manner that ignites an inner passion, motivating you to make these concepts a living reality in your life. This seminar (Facing Life) provides the ideal structure in which to learn and absorb, gradually leading you deeper into understanding.”

Sydney, Australia

Big Shakti

“Swami Shankardev radiates the light and knowledge of his lineage along with a great sense of humor and a certain simplicity and lightness of being. Not a small feat! Big Shakti is a valuable site for all aspiring to yoga, laymen and advanced practitioners alike. Thank you for the great work!”

Yoga Teacher, Barcelona, Spain

Big Shakti

“Dr. Swami Shankardev is an excellent and profound teacher. A humble and thoughtful Yoga Acharya (Master of Yoga), he addresses his students with a strong desire to share his sacred knowledge in the true spirit of giving. After his visit to Jivamukti, I began to practice Big Shakti's guided meditations. I find them extremely helpful, full of wonderful instruction, and deeply soothing.”

Yoga Teacher, Jivamukti New York, NY USA

Big Shakti

“Big Shakti's study programs provide a path to enlightenment and a practical yet highly spiritual means of attaining a more aware state wherever you are in your own development. Both Swami Shankardev and Jayne support your growth and learning in a safe, loving environment where questions are seen as part of the learning. The structure of the theory has given me the basis on which to build. It has helped me to understand so much about my life and the lives of those around me. I feel supported and held.”

Psychiatrist, Iowa City, USA

Big Shakti

“Big Shakti's study programs offer a multidimensional learning experience delivered with the highest standards. Dr Swami Shankardev and Jayne Stevenson are master educators and also exceptional communicators. They provide rich and authentic access to decades of knowledge and practical application. I am thankful to have my lifelong learning path facilitated by awakened albeit genuine and approachable facilitators!”

Wellbeing Practitioner, Sydney Australia

Whether you're new to meditation or seeking to deepen your practice, this course offers a comprehensive, authentic training that integrates ancient wisdom with modern knowledge.

Study at your own pace, on your own schedule, and transform your mind and life with the support of expert teachers. 



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Course Components

  • 20 Modules
  • 258 Lessons (Video & Text Instruction)
  • 17 Preparatory Meditations
  • 10 Classes
  • 10 Master Meditations
  • Email Support from Teachers
  • Online & Mobile Access to Teachings & Meditations

Continuing Professional Development

Earns 60 hours of CPE with Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Australia, & SYTA. CPD Certificate provided upon completion. Theory and Meditation on Yoga Tantra, Chakras, and Kundalini. Techniques, Training & Practice 20 hours, Anatomy & Physiology 15 hours, Yoga Philosophy 25 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

How do the chakras and kundalini affect my mental and emotional health?

The chakras represent energy centres in the body that influence your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Awakening kundalini and balancing these energy centres can help you achieve emotional resilience, mental clarity, and personal transformation.

What will I learn in this course?

You’ll learn the theory and practice of chakra meditation, techniques for awakening kundalini, how to develop emotional resilience, mental clarity, and deeper self-awareness, as well as how to balance the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the chakras.

What level of experience is required for this course?

This course is suitable for anyone with a basic understanding of yoga and meditation. However, it also offers advanced techniques for experienced practitioners. The first part of the course covers foundational practices to ensure all students are well-prepared for more advanced lessons.

How is this course structured?

The course consists of 10 modules with 30 core lessons. The modules progress from foundational teachings on chakras to advanced techniques for awakening kundalini and balancing chakra energies. Each module contains a number of lessons, each containing a mixture of written, video, audio and graphic learning materials.

How long will it take to complete the course?

We recommend 9-12 months to complete and fully integrate the teachings. However, the course is self-paced, and you will have lifetime access, allowing you to progress at your own speed. Note that there are 20 hours of Techniques, Training & Practice, 15 hours of Anatomy & Physiology teachings, and 25 hours of Yoga Philosophy.

What happens if I miss a lesson or need to take a break?

Since the course is self-paced, you can pause and return at any time. You have lifetime access to all course materials and lessons, so there’s no pressure to complete it within a set timeframe.

Will I receive support throughout the course?

Yes, you will have access to email support from our teachers throughout the course to help you with any questions or guidance needed during your learning journey.

Are there payment plans available?

Monthly payment plans are available at the enrolment checkout, allowing you to pay in instalments over 9 months. Please note that the payment plan option provides dripped access to content with a new module released each month.


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Light on the Chakras and Kundalini


We're offering discounted enrolments this month - Register now, start when convenient.


One-Time Payment


plus applicable taxes

Online & Mobile Access to Course Teachings & Meditations


CPE Certificate upon completion

Email support from Teachers


Payment Plan


9 instalments

Online & Mobile Access to Course Teachings & Meditations


New Module released each month

CPE Certificate upon completion

Email support from Teachers