Healing and Dream Sessions with Jayne Stevenson

Reconnect with your creativity, vitality, and inner wisdom as you experience the transformative benefits of healing and dreamwork sessions.

The session with you was pivotal in helping me face my inhibitions and find authentic self expression. So timely too, 6 weeks before my wedding! The meditation was amazing. I have been meditating for 15 years but never experienced a technique as personal to me, precisely targeting where I’m blocked and what I want out of life. Your healing ways are unique and profound.

Benefits of a Healing Session

Healing sessions are designed to holistically address your mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Together, we’ll explore the feelings and beliefs that create areas of struggle in your life. By understanding and using this energy, you can unleash your creative potential.

My goal is to help you:

  • Connect the dots between your feelings, beliefs, behaviors, personality, and karma.
  • See how your struggles can lead to healing and growth.
  • Find the hidden strengths in the emotions you dislike (the shadow).
  • Close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
  • Experience powerful personalized meditations to help you connect with your hidden feelings and unrealized desires.
Healing Session—Testimonials

I've always been passionate about seeking self-knowledge. When I first discovered Jayne's articles in 2019, I knew I had found the right person to help me on my journey. Working with Jayne was a transformative experience that helped me better understand myself and my relationships.
She taught me various psychological and philosophical models that proved invaluable in understanding my patterns and relationship dynamics. She has guided me into deep meditative states and interpreted the inner images from my childhood, which allowed me to resolve and integrate complex emotions. Her unwavering support and guidance have been instrumental in helping me grow as a person. I feel understood and comfortable sharing my personal experiences with her because of her warm and relaxed presence.
I’ve come to feel that Jayne's influence on my life has been the most beneficial I’ve ever experienced. Anyone seeking self-understanding, knowledge, and healing would be fortunate to work with her.

I  have always had a strong spiritual awareness and have been an aspirant with Jayne and Swami Shankardev since the early 2000s. In 2017 I began meeting with Jayne regularly for private sessions after leaving a prestigious career, retraining to become a teacher, and going through tremendous personal and relationship changes.
At the time, I had completed my training and was applying endlessly for that elusive first job. The sessions with Jayne supported me personally, professionally, and spiritually through highly vulnerable, pivotal, and fast-changing times. This work has supported my health and well-being and transformed my life. I now meet with Jayne several times a year. The sessions help me to deal with challenges while remaining clear about my purpose.

Benefits of a Dream Session

Uncover the hidden messages of your subconscious mind with dream sessions. Whether it’s a night dream, daydream, unrealized desire, memory, or fear that has significance, I can help you understand its meaning and unlock its potential.

These messages arrive at the edges of your consciousness because they want to be seen and heard. But understanding them requires more than intellectual analysis alone. That’s why I guide you through a process of exploration that engages your feelings and imagination.

In guided dream sessions, you will:

  • Discover the link between your unconscious mind and your emotions.
  • Receive healing messages from your subconscious through feelings and intuition.
  • Tap into your hidden desires and talents through imagery, symbols.
  • Explore your shadow traits that may be driving destructive patterns.
  • Learn how to ground your imagination in reality for powerful expression and action in the world.
Dream Session—Testimonials

Life was spiraling out of control before I met Jayne. I had a knack for all things tech at a young age and turned that into a successful career by my mid-twenties. But the long hours and constant pressure to deliver results took a toll on my physical and mental health.
By 32, I felt utterly disconnected from life and people. My imagination and dreams were frightening. Thankfully, my psychologist referred me to Jayne. Meeting Jayne was a game-changer. Not only did my dark imaginings evaporate, but Jayne also took me to strange and beautiful places within, which enabled reconnection to the beauty of life. She helped me re-evaluate my priorities and find meaning in my work beyond financial success.
I still work hard, but now it's with a sense of balance. I check in with Jayne before making significant decisions because her wisdom is practical, reliable, and inspiring.

Jayne she pushed me to explore parts of my dream that I wanted to bypass. She wanted me to stay with the images of my childhood bedroom, which holds bad memories. I soon found myself recalling parts of the dream that I had entirely forgotten. On the bedroom floor, I found my old doll. As I touched her head and felt a rush of sadness and anger in the pit of my stomach. This triggered a painful memory of how furious I was at my mother for disappearing when I needed her most.
As we went further into these feelings and the images, Jayne and I had a simultaneous intuition. My mother must have suffered from mental illness. She died when I was 8 and I was hospitalised for 3 months for a nervous breakdown.
Jayne encouraged me to ask my father if my mother was mentally ill. It took weeks for me to get the courage, as he never likes to speak of her.
He first denied it, but he called me the next morning and told me it was true. He’d kept my mother's mental illness from my sister and I because of the stigma (35 years ago). He said that when my mother ‘disappeared’ she was undergoing treatment, eventually shock treatment.
Connecting with this story, the source of my sadness and rage, has been nothing short of cathartic. I’m finally able to understand and heal this trauma.
If not for this work, I would still erupt angrily if someone didn’t pay attention to my needs. Now, I only have compassion for my mother, and my father and sister and I have become closer.
I check in with Jayne every few months, sometimes with a new dream, sometimes for her advice and support. I deeply trust her and her healing processes.

Healing and Dream Sessions with Jayne Stevenson

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Experience and Background

My approach derives from over 30 years of study and practice in several healing and wisdom disciplines.

Daoist meditation and Chinese therapies—I began my studies in Melbourne, Australia, with a Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts. I studied Tai Chi, Dao Meditation, metaphysics, martial arts, and Chinese healing therapies for ten years. I continued my training in Sydney for 5-years with a master of Medical Chi Gong.

Yoga and tantra—I have studied yoga psychology and philosophy and have practiced yogic and tantric meditations since 2001.

Dreamwork—My interest in dreamwork began with a dream I had after reading Carl Jung’s book Man and His Symbols when I was 17. I’d suffered an almost fatal car accident. The book inspired a series of healing dreams. Since then, I have been a lifelong student of Jungian psychology.



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