Introduction. Relaxation Meditation

clock-iconTIME TO COMPLETE: 1 hr book-iconTOPICS: 7sitting-iconMEDITATIONS: 1Integration ExercisesINTEGRATION EXERCISES: 1

The Introductory Lesson provides an overview of the entire course. You will discover why this study is unique and the benefits receive from completing the course and maintaining an ongoing practice.

  • You’ll learn what relaxation meditation is, and how it differs from pure relaxation and recreation. These are important distinctions.
  • You will get an overview of the course relaxation meditation techniques and be advised on how to best practice each technique.

Integration Exercise. You will focus on your purpose for taking the course.

Meditation Techniques. You will perform a short Lying Relaxation meditation technique.

Video Topics range in duration from 2 to 7 minutes.

Note: After completing all topics in this lesson, Mark Lesson Complete to progress to the next lesson. 


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