Enlightening The Shadow

[inlinetweet prefix="" tweeter="" suffix="null"]Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati discusses how to use the shadow for enlightenment...[/inlinetweet] Facing the Shadow Online Seminars combine Western and Eastern Psychology and Yoga Meditation techniques to engage and enlighten your shadow. The shadow is where you repress the parts of you that you dislike and disown. Almost every problem you have stems from your shadow. Facing and [...]

Facing Adversity With Grace and Courage

As you go through dark times, holding the vision of your life purpose and doing all that you can to live it, all the difficulties you encounter are transformed into something higher and more meaningful. Eventually you can use adversity to demonstrate your own personal power.

How To Create An Inspiring Self-Guided Meditation Program

Do you meditate? Have you created a program for your meditation or do you go with how you feel on the day? While all meditation is beneficial, a structured meditation program is more beneficial because it gives you a sense of direction and progress. By following these 6 steps, you can create an effective and […]

Can Yoga and Meditation Improve Your DNA?

One of the most uplifting truths we can carry with us, especially in difficult times, is the knowledge that things can change; this situation will pass, this chapter will end, another will begin and we’ll move on. Perhaps the most heartening and inspiring truth of all is that we can change. We can grow; develop […]

Awaken Your Unconscious with Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra meditation is much more than a simple yet powerful relaxation meditation technique. Yoga Nidra is most commonly used to gain deep rest, re-energize, and rejuvenate the body and mind, that is, to remove the negative effects of stress. Once you have progressed through the initial phase of relaxation and rejuvenation, you can use [...]


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